Welcome To TubeMaster
Tube Expanders
Heat Exchanger
& Boiler Tools
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Advanced Technology

Advanced Technology

Advanced Technology has made TubeMaster ever more productive and smart.

Expert Engineers

Expert Engineers

TubeMaster Develops and improves manufacturing processes by Expert engineers.

Delivery on Time

Delivery on Time

TubeMaster never ever compete on prices , insted compete on services and innovation.

About Us We are leading International company in the world

The basic purpose of tube expansion is to obtain a good hydraulic and Mechanical joint. A secondary, but equally important, purpose is to obtain a swal that is durable, resistant to corrorsion and essentially free of longitudinal stress.
During tube expansion we must take care of ‘over expansion’ and we take care of ‘under expansion’. The under expansion is detected during hydraulic test and can be corrected by re-expanding.

We have a long and proud history givin emphasis to environment social and economic outcomes to deliver places that respond too the complex global forces shaping our future

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